Breastfeeding has been going really well. I hope that it is something I'll be able to continue when I return to work in a couple months.
I'm so glad that both sets of grandparents live close. It's been fun to watch their interactions with her. My dad came over this evening after work and even though she was sleeping on the couch, he sat next to her and rubbed her back. It was really cute.
Abigail has been sleeping pretty well. Ever since Daniel got sick, we've been going to bed really early. Like 8-9 pm early. With all the radiation treatment and me being pregnant, we just got in the habit. So, our secret to a good night's sleep is starting early. Last night Abigail woke up only once in the night, and went to sleep about an hour later. I'm sure we'll have many nights we won't be as lucky, but she has been very sweet so far.
Being a mom is really great. It's amazing how much I love this little baby. When establishing relationships with other people (friends, husband, etc.) it takes time for those relationships to grow. But, when you have a baby it's like an instant bond is formed when they are born and you want to do everything you can to make sure they are safe and happy.
One big thing I've noticed is that I can not watch or read anything violent, or even really sappy. I can usually find something in every movie that Daniel picks out that will make me sob. Especially if it has anything to do with a mother/child relationship.
Here are some pictures from our first week.
Cute! I'm the same way with violence. I feel super sensitive to anything violent or anything. I had a little bit of Postpartum Depression though. I've been watching animated movies, musicals, and chick flicks lately when I'm home. I have to watch happy movies. Weird huh? Wonder why that is.