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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Year Later

So, this week marks one year since I met/started dating Daniel. I can hardly believe it’s been a year. I thought I would celebrate by recounting the events that happened around then for those who may not be familiar.

I had had kind of a rough year with a lot of things going on. I think everyone except those who knew me very well thought I just might go off the deep end. I had doubts myself. I got a new apartment in late September with some awesome roommates. Soon after moving in to my new ward I felt prompted to ask the bishop about mission papers. Since my parents home was so close to where I was living, I decided to go through my home ward bishop, but made him promise not to tell my parents about my decision. I also told him that if I started dating someone, I would stay home. He agreed. About two and half weeks later my papers were submitted. The next day, I met Daniel.

I got his number through Facebook and started texting him. He asked me out and I told him that I was going on a mission. He said that was fine, it didn’t have to be a serious thing.  I got my mission call to Milan, Italy two weeks later. That day we decided to start dating “officially.”

Daniel has taught me so much about how relationships are supposed to be. Everyone told me the first year of marriage would be terrible and we’d fight all the time. And, that hasn’t happened. We’ve learned a lot about each other, but I would say that this has probably been one of the easiest years of my adult life. And I owe that to Daniel. Love you sweetie!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rock Stars

Daniel and I are rock stars.

My brother entrusted his Xbox 360 to me while he is on his mission. The first order of business was to buy Rock Band. I’ve been wanting to play it pretty much ever since I heard of it. Daniel and I have really enjoyed playing it.

And, it’s made us quite popular. We have people calling us once every week or so asking to come over and play. We also brought it down to Payson over conference and had some fun playing with the family. Even Matt and Sherie joined in the fun.

Another video game I’m really enjoying right now is Lego Batman. I really like the Lego video games. The level of play is really geared towards a younger audience, but I really get a kick out of picking up lego men and throwing them down and watching them break into pieces.... And the little videos between levels are just too fun. I recommend the game highly, as well as Lego Star Wars. I have yet to play Lego Indiana Jones, but it’s next on my list.