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Friday, October 2, 2009

Pardon my absence

Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. It’s been a crazy few weeks and I haven’t had a chance to really sit down and write something. Daniel was diagnosed with brain cancer and was in the hospital for a week. Then we came back and I was tired, and anyway, that’s what happened.

So, we’ve decided on a name for baby girl. Her name is going to be Abigail Claire. I think I explained my reasoning for these names in a previous post, but in case you don’t remember, here is where her name come from.

Abigail is for Abigail Adams. Because she was an amazing woman. I read David McCullough’s book “John Adams” and was totally enthralled. The HBO miniseries was fantastic as well. What an amazing family. And it all worked because Abigail was smart, strong, and caring. People have asked me if we will call her Abby. I said no, because I never heard Abigail Adams referred to as Abby. But, if others want to call her Abby or if she decides when she’s 3 that she is Abby, that is fine. I won’t lose sleep over it.

Claire is for my late great uncle Clarence. He passed away earlier this year. He was a wonderful man. He always cared so much about me and my family. He was really like a grandfather, even though he was more distantly related than that. I thought it would be a nice way to honor his memory. And, his birthday is February 14. Which is only 11 days before my due date, so totally something that could happen. But, either way, it’s the same month.

Also, I’m wearing maternity clothes now. Well, kind of. I’ve got two pairs of pants. I like them, but I don’t think most people can tell I’m pregnant still. And I’m 19 weeks. I’m hoping that this means I’ll get back to pre-pregnancy size easy.

And, perhaps most exciting, Abigail is definitely an active little girl. I can feel her moving pretty much all the time now. It’s really really cool to feel. Daniel hasn’t been able to feel her yet, but that will probably happen in the next 3-4 weeks.

We get another ultrasound on October 21. This will be the ultrasound to take measurements and make sure everything is normal. I’m really excited.

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