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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Midweek Ups and Downs

I find it’s easier for me to blog on a regular basis if I have some kind of set routine. So, Wednesday will be my “ups and downs” days. I got the idea from the Pregtastic podcast. Every week the preggos talk about two things that are going well in their pregnancy and two things that aren’t going so well.


I got a killer deal on a bassinet at a yardsale on Saturday. $5! I couldn’t believe it when I saw it, and I knew I had to have it. I took it apart and washed everything, and it looks so darn cute.

Also, I’m finally able to make it all the way through work now. Usually. The nausea medication seems to be working for the most part. And, I heard word that my boss is going to be in town next Wednesday. So, I’ll definitely tell him then. And then we can do a nice little Facebook announcement. But, I won’t be announcing the blog for awhile due to the privacy of some individuals. (wink)


I’m not super down with the fact that nothing tastes like it’s supposed to. Chicken is totally blah right now. Water is gross unless it’s got something like Crystal Light in it. Makes the whole drinking tons of water thing really hard.

Still don’t have a lot of energy. And, just a general feeling of not being myself. I get home from work and turn into a total slug. Poor Daniel picks up all my slack. But, I hear that in the second trimester things improve a lot. Definitely looking forward to that. And Christmas.

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